"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Friday 11 January 2013

Targets as barriers

I've mentioned before how I've got to 1000 words for the day and then got interrupted and not been able to do any more despite good intentions to press on and build up a buffer. (Not exactly 1000 words, but a short distance past)

I think it comes from my tendency to think 'right, that's 1000 words done. time for a reward, then back to work'. (The reward is often nothing more than a cup of tea, though) The trouble is that it means I take a conscious break from writing, get up, get distracted and start doing other things, and then before I know it, real life has intervened and I don't get the opportunity to sit down and start writing again that day. I think some of it is a subconscious feeling that 1000 words is enough for the day, so I start looking for distractions, so I need to remind myself to press on and stop doing that.

Which is all a long way of saying that I did just over 1000 words yesterday and the total's now at 11,939. I am recognising that a lot of those words may disappear in the revision/second draft as my first draft of dialogue scenes tend to be very flabby - like me in conversation, people rarely come straight to the point in my first drafts - but it's good to be moving the story forward (and backward, with flashbacks).

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