"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Tuesday 29 January 2013

New story ready to be read

My latest short story is now up at Literotica. It's called Screwing The Pitch, and I hope you enjoy it. It was an attempt to do something a bit different, and I'm not sure whether or not it's succeeded, so I've put it out there to get some comments.

The genesis of it was seeing someone looking for London-based stories for an anthology. I began it, and then ran into my slump period last year and didn't get it finished. I rediscovered it last week and decided that as the start was interesting enough and I could still remember the character and the story, it was worth a bash at finishing it. The idea was to try something that was being told by a character in their voice, and for that character to be someone I probably wouldn't like if I ever met him. Could he still tell an interesting and exciting tale?

That's for you to judge, so follow the link, take a look, vote and leave comments to let me know. Or if it's the other way around and you've just come here from Literotica, then welcome! Feel free to read my posts and follow my links, there may be something there of interest!

(Regulars might like to know that a good writing session yesterday got the work-in-progress to 32,178 words total so far, by the way)

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