"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Saturday 26 January 2013

Little bits of catching up

Still waiting to hear from Literotica, but then I did have to submit the story as a .doc file - I do like using italics to help tell the story - so I'll hear when I hear, and share the link then.

Was also thinking more about Julie D'Aubigny yesterday, and think I've found a way to incorporate her into another story I've got on the back burner. It's one I started a while back and did for NaNoWriMo a couple of years ago, but couldn't get it to work. Though now I've thrown her into the mix, it's suddenly taking on a whole new complexion.

As for the work in progress, a solid 1200 or so words yesterday, mostly developing one of the characters and giving a bit of an insight into her life, rather than action scenes, though I got to a point where the next bit of action is just about to (unexpectedly) start. She's the main viewpoint character for the modern sections of it, and it's quite fun to take her life, which is quite a routine single-gay-girl-in-the-big-city story, and thrust it into the middle of something much bigger, stranger and scarier. She'll come through it, though. I'm pretty sure of that.

Total on the work in progress now 29,248.

Right, to work, and hopefully a productive weekend ahead.

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