"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Thursday 25 April 2013


Sorry for the lack of writing from me recently - we're in a very hectic time of the year at work, and so there's not much opportunity for me to get to the keyboard and write. I have been adding to the latest chapter of Becoming Anne, and hopefully that will be ready to be posted soon - it's just a case of getting to a natural break and chapter end for it before I post it. Hopefully that will be soon.

The busy period should be winding up soon, though there is the prospect of me getting a promotion in the next week or so which might reduce amount of time I have for writing. I do promise to finish Becoming Anne for you all, though, no matter how long it takes!

Sunday 14 April 2013

For the end of the weekend or the beginning of the week

Something new to read: Becoming Anne Chapter 4 is now up on Literotica. Hope you enjoy it if you've enjoyed the other parts, and thanks to everyone who's read and commented on it so far - seems to have been a flurry of votes on my work over the weekend, and it's always appreciated. Chapter 5 should be submitted early in the week, and I'll keep you up to date with any release news as the chapters appear.

Happy reading!

Thursday 11 April 2013

Ready to read

Just a quick post to let you know that Becoming Anne Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 are now available for reading at Literotica - and Chapter 4 is in the queue, waiting to be approved.


Just after 6pm yesterday, I crawled over the finishing line and with a grand total of 100,076 words, I completed the 100,000 words in 100 days challenge. I also completed Part 4 of Becoming Anne in the process, which should be appearing on a website near you very soon.

It's been fun doing the challenge, though it's also been tough at times, and I was definitely flagging towards the end of it. I had a lot of momentum going when I was working on Bite - and had The Way To Her Heart to also add to - but once those two were finished, I wasn't really sure where to go next. As I found when I did NaNoWriMo with short stories, the trouble with doing multiple stories is that each one can take time to build up its own momentum, whcih means you don't get the benefit of those sections where you're able to cruise through the story and fill in background if you can't think of anything else to write.

But I did do it, and I've got some useful drafts of stories out of it - Bite, I think, will work really well with the ideas I've got for the rewrite, and the characters in The Way To Her Heart are great, I just need to add some others in there to give them more people to interact with, and some jeopardy and threat to provide a bit more drama.

The main point is that I've finished it, and am still feeling motivated to write more - and I have to, as I've been serialising Becoming Anne, so can't abandon that partway through! - and want to get on with these stories and another one that's been rattling around my head for ages, which I think I can now see a way to make work. Whether I'll average 1000 words a day for the next 100 days too, I don't know, but now I know I can keep writing at that length over a long period, it's good motivation to keep me going.

Today, though, will be a day off from writing - not because I need the rest, but because I've got too much on at work to have any time to do it. Hopefully, though, this weekend will have lots of opportunities for writing - though I do say that about every weekend, don't I, and then spend Monday morning's post explaining why it didn't happen.

Monday 8 April 2013

Can I do it?

So, there are three days left in the 100,000 words in 100 days challenge, and I'm currently at 92,479 words, which means another 7,521 are needed to drag me over the finish line, or about 2500 a day. Didn't get any done over the weekend because of other commitments, but luckily work commitments for the next couple of days are quite light, so it's time to get my head down and do it.

Part 1 of Becoming Anne is now up at Literotica, so please take a look, rate it and comment on it, and other parts should be following in the next couple of days, assuming I manage to get my head into gear and write it.

Wish me luck, and hopefully I'll be at the target soon!

Thursday 4 April 2013

Closing on the target

I know that in some of my early projections I expected to have finish the 100,000 words in 100 days challenge by now, but as you'll know if you've been reading along, I've been faltering a little as I get to the end. Various others life issues have cropped up in the last few weeks to take away the time and motivation I've had for writing, which means that the last week of the challenge might be a bit of a white-knuckle ride to get to the end.

What I do know is that as of this morning, I've done 90,871 words, which means I need to do 9,229 over the next seven days to hit the target. By my reckoning, that's just over 1300 words a day, and as I managed 1972 yesterday, it has to be doable, right? I've done over 8000 words of Crossing The Floor since I last posted here, but it's getting a bit bogged down, as I'm kind of splashing about waiting for a plot to happen - I need some sort of threat to the main characters that hasn't quite emerged as yet, but that's what first drafts are about for me.

So, I've broken one of my rules and started another story while that one's still unfinished. This is a lot simpler, and a lot more erotic, as after an initial setup it's pretty much going to be just sex all the way through. It's called Becoming Anne, and I've already submitted the first part of it to a couple of sites, so I will share links with you when it becomes available to read. Hopefully, some of you will find it enjoyable, and it'll drag me over the finishing line before next Wednesday comes to a close...