"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Sunday 27 January 2013

Another forgotten post

Yet again, I was thinking about things to write about here as I went to sleep, but now I can't remember any of them, so you'll just have to make do with me talking about what comes into my head in the hope it recreates some of them.

Managed about 1200 words yesterday to take the total for the work-in-progress over 30,000 (30,425 to be exact). Still really enjoying the story and the characters, and feeling that there's lots more to be told about them after this story. Indeed, that's making me that I might actually be writing two different books in parallel at the moment, which will make the editing of them interesting. However, that's not something to worry about until this version of the story is finished, then I get to work on bashing into a more reasonable and less meandering state or states. One thing I have decided is that I need to completely rewrite their initial meeting - their first encounter in this draft is a little too quick and convenient for the bond they form later, and so I need to stretch it so they have more contact with each other before the incident that kicks the story off properly.

That all makes sense to me, I promise, even if it's really vague to anyone else.

Blimey, that's just reminded me of one of my going-to-sleep thoughts on how to describe this story: "Bridget Jones falls in love with a lesbian vampire", though that makes it sound somewhat different to the way it is, and there's no one writing a diary with 'pints of blood drunk' as a daily category. Not that there'd be anything wrong with a story like that, it's just not this one!

Still, I shall continue to use the LVH - Lesbian Vampire Highlander - tag for it here, as there are elements of that in it too. Though without the decapitations or the Prize at the end and Freddie Mercury's not around any more to camp up the soundtrack to eleven.

In other news, still waiting for Literotica to process the latest story, so no link as yet. Have also submitted Almost Chance to a couple of review sites, and it's sitting in the queue there. Am somewhat nervous about what they'll say, but you've got to get out there and take the blows as well as the praise, whichever comes along. If you're reading this and fancy doing a review, then please get in touch!

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