"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Monday 14 January 2013

Back to work

It became another weekend where I didn't get any writing done, though the story is still unfolding itself in my head. That's a good sign, the characters staying alive and doing things even when I'm not sitting at the keyboard and writing, and they're almost dragging me to get back to work properly, open up Scrivener and start telling more of their story.

As you can probably guess, I'm not a writer who follows a detailed outline, because for me the story only reveals itself in the telling. I've got some ideas for later scenes, even a sketched-out ending in my head, but those are vague destinations that the route I end up taking may run straight through the middle of, or may completely bypass and go off in a completely different direction. Things have already changed radically from the original plan in that the two parts of the book now have two different main viewpoint characters. rather than one being the current story and one flashbacks for the same central character.

I think it works, but the only way to find out is to get the words on the page - and if I don't get any on it today, then I really will drop behind schedule, and that's the last thing I want to happen!

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