"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Hitting targets

Another day of over 1000 words yesterday, which took me over to a total of 8,029 and completed a week of writing every day. Now if I can just make it over 1000 words today, that'll be a week of doing over 1000 a day, and will also mean I've typed 1000 in this post far too many times.

The story's going well, and I wrote what I think's a good scene yesterday, which is a flashback to the time when our heroine was first turned into a vampire. I think it's an interesting scene, because it's someone going through the transformation against her will and without any of the context to understand what's happening to her. It's happening in fifteenth century England, where I don't believe there were vampire myths in circulation - or, at least, not widely - so there's nothing for her to draw on and know what she's become. Indeed, 8,000 words in and I've not even used the word 'vampire' once, though I don't know if I can pull off the Ultraviolet trick and never mention the word at all.

Now I have a decision to make about another character - do they return and do a bit of exposition, or do they remain disappeared, and likely dead? Such power I have...

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