"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Friday 18 January 2013

Snowmageddon is coming

So says the weather forecast, but the threatened weekend of snow chaos has yet to materialise here. I'm looking forward to it, somewhat, as it will hopefully motivate me to stay inside and keep writing for a few days and really plough on with the story.

(Ploughing pun not intended)

One thing I need to get into the habit of doing is starting writing earlier in the day when I get the opportunity. As I've said in other posts, I'm very good at procrastinating, and then rushing through to hit my target for the day when time for writing appears to be running out. When I've got a big blank of time to fill, it's amazing how much of it I can while away doing not very much, or things that suddenly seem really important, and have to be done before I can get to writing the current story. One day I'm going to write a story with an ADD protagonist to capitalise on this.

Bond was almost ready to take on Blofeld, but first he realised that there might be some useful information in the xkcd archive, so he had to spend an hour or so going through random posts there.

The good thing about working under time constraints like I had yesterday is that it removes my excuse for procrastination - ah, there's enough time to do it later - and compels me to work and write. Over 1000 words again, and reached a total of 19,199, which gets me a couple of thousand ahead of target again. The other good thing about being forced away was that I had to leave it in the middle of a scene that was going really well, and so when I start back today, I can plunge right back in there.

But first, there's something I hav to do on the internet...

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