"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Friday 18 January 2013

Return of the missing post

(This should have published yesterday, but appears to have saved as a draft instead)

I'm sure I had a great idea for what I was going to write here last night, but now I've woken up it's completely gone - except for the knowledge that I had a good idea, and I was sure to remember it. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but those are the most annoying ideas, no matter what they are - and I especially hate the way my mind remembers the memory of having them, but not the idea itself.

I was thinking about why I'm doing this blog earlier, though, and for me it's working as a form of 'morning pages'. I did once use 750words.com quite regularly, but fell out of that habit, but I found it very useful as a sort of braindump to clear out everything I was thinking of and then get to writing. I think doing it here instead changes the motivation somewhat - there, I could write just about any old crap as long as it got me to the target, whereas here I'm at least semi-conscious of the fact I have an audience, so try and write so that things make at least a rudimentary amount of sense.

The stats say I have an audience, anyway, even if it's just in the single figures everyday, but if you are reading here regularly than thank you, or if you're just dropping by or passing through, then thank you too and I hope something I say interests you enough to pop by again sometime.

As for the writing itself? Yesterday was another decent day, well over 1000 words and I reached 17,792 in total. I'm rebuilding that buffer zone I had to trade away last weekend, but this weekend is looking like one where I'll have more time to write, so I

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