"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Slower starting

Very late in doing this today, and quite late in starting writing too, as I've still not done anything. However, yesterday was a good day, and I did 1700 words on the work-in-progress by the end of it, despite having a rather slow start and feeling very unwriterly. (And I'm really hoping that 'unwriterly' isn't a word) Total on the work-in-progress is now 53,978.

Yesterday's lesson really should be that even though I'm heading for the target of 100,000 words, I shouldn't be afraid to back up and start again on a section when it doesn't work. I'd done the opening sentence of a chapter on Friday, and then when I went to work on it, I found that because of the content and phrasing of that sentence, I had to meander around at the start looking for the best point to properly start telling the story from. That's likely why things were coming slowly at first - all the grasping round in the dark looking for the threads of the story - but then picked up when I finally found the right way to tell the scene. Once I was up and running with it, the rest of it came quite quickly, hence making it to a good total after that start.

Still thinking about the structure of this story after I've finished it. I do like the flashbacks, but I'm not sure how much they work with the present day storyline, though they're now becoming a bit more relevant, and the question has to be how to get the two streams to work together, or if it's best to separate them entirely.

Anyway, that's something to think about in more depth when I've actually finished the writing. Which I'm going to take a few more steps towards doing now...

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