"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Subconscious solutions

I do like days when the words flow out easily. I was writing what I thought was going to be a difficult scene yesterday, where our heroines encounter one of the villain's henchmen in a tricky situation, and I thought it was going to be a difficult one to write. Turns out that my brain is capable of working things out without me knowing it, as it had gone through the situation and revealed the answer to me as I wrote it.

It's an odd sensation, that, when an idea you haven't properly thought of before jumps out at you and you instinctively know that it's the right answer. It's that 'hole in the page' moment I talked about back at the start of this process, where I have the feeling that I'm looking at the actual scene and just describing it rather than creating it. The characters went along with it too, which is good, as sometimes they tend to protest at my plans for them.

You know, if they ever have to section me then some of these blog entries will probably be used against me.

Having done over 1000 words on the work-in-progress and still having time to do more, I decided to go back to the short story I was working on last week. It definitely is going to need a rewrite - the main character needs some friends with her in the first part of the story - but I'm still going to go on and finish this version of it before going to do that. First, it might turn itself around on me again and reveal that she didn't need anyone else with her at the start and second, I don't want to get back into the habit of abandoning things halfway through to go and do a rewrite. As I've said before, if I allow myself to do that, then I end up abandoning the rewrite to do another version and so on and so forth in a writerly version of Zeno's Paradox, getting less and less into the story each time until I'm left just obsessing over the first word and decide to go write something else instead.

And the totals so far? 48,524 on the work in progress and 4,184 on short stories. To work!

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