"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Thursday 14 February 2013

Bitter and twisted

It's Valnetine's Day, so I could be cheesy and write about love and romance, but to be honest, I absolutely detest Valentine's Day. I've spent quite a lot of my life being single, and to me it's always felt like a day that's calculated to say 'if you're not in a relationship, you're worthless, and if you are in a relationship and don't spend loads of money on tat, then you're just as worthless'. You can have love and romance and pink teddy bears with cute sayings sewn into their bellies in your life every day if you want, you don't need society's permission to go all out for one day and then forget it the rest of the time.

On more pleasurable thoughts, I churned out about 1500 words of the work-in-progress yesterday, and that took me over the 50,000 total (50,027). If this was NaNoWriMo, I'd be finished, just 14 days late. As it's not, and the target's twice as big, there's still a long way to go. I was a bit unsure about where it was set to go from the point I stopped it at, but then everything came clearer when I was close to sleep last night - and for once, it's still clear when I wake up.

Have to get today's words done this morning, though, as work pressures mean I'll be out for most of the afternoon and evening - yes, while you're all in restaurants that have doubled their prices for the evening, surrounded by other bored couples, I'll be at work. I'm so romantic that way.

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