"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Friday 1 February 2013

January in review

Yesterday was another good writing day, with well over 1000 words written, another chpater finished and another one properly started (not just a line or two to avoid blank page syndrome). As it's now February, let's look back at the figures for last month.

Total on the work in progress so far is 36,198 words, with another 1500 words written of Screwing The Pitch to finish it off, making a total of 37,698 for the month, which is a decent average of over 1200 words a day. It's been good to get back to writing and slough off the feeling of a block hanging over me, and as the month's gone on, the writing's definitely become easier. I've got a good story going, with two interesting characters at the heart of it, though it will need substantial rewriting after I've finished this first draft.

It was also good to get another short story up on Literotica which currently has 10 votes and an average of 3.9, just to have something to point at and say 'look, I finished that!'

Need to keep a running total as I go, but I'm also going to reset to zero for February so I keep the average up over 1000 words a day, rather than eating into the buffer I've built up in January on the jutification that I'm above average overall. So the target in four weeks time when I next do a review post will be at least 65,698 words in total.

I think I've written a post like this every day so far as well, and they've been good motivation to keep me going, even if no one is reading them! They're effectively my morning pages, a chance to sort out my head while I wake up and arrange a few thoughts before getting on with the writing. I guess another target is to keep that up, and if I start missing them, try and nag me to get back in the saddle and writing them...

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