"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Friday 1 March 2013

Writus interruptus

OK, I'm not going to talk specifically about my work, but if you follow me on Twitter, you may have noticed that I don't work consistent hours, so my writing periods tend to come at different points in the day, depending on when I can fit them in.

Yesterday, I was on a late shift, so was writing in the afternoon before I had to head out for work, and was going really well. I had finally got to the scene in my current short story where the protagonist and her love interest make it into the bedroom and are having a very good time together, the words were flowing, I could imagine just what it was like for them and how they'd be feeling together...and then I looked at the clock and realised it was time to get moving if I wanted to be there on time. Damn.

But still, having got them to that point means I know I'm now on the run to the end of the story, as they're together and making each other happy. It's just the last few bumps on the road to navigate, and then they're home and dry and happy ever after.

I did manage over 1200 words yesterday which took my short story total over up to 10,057 in total, and coupled with the 56,857 words I've done on the work-in-progress means a total of 66,914 for the year so far. A quick bit of maths and a look at an old post tells me that's 29,216 for February in total, so I've just about managed to keep over the 1000 a day average.

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