"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Cheating to the finish

Wrote 1442 word of Bite yesterday, and made a decision that the way to get out of the story cul-de-sac I'd found myself in was to cheat a little. As I've mentioned for a while, writing this first draft has given me lots of ideas of how to rewrite it in the second draft, and that includes changing a lot of the details of the plot (though the characters remain the same). So, what I've chosen to do is effectively bring over the conclusion I was planning in my head for the second draft and use it in this one, as a trial.

I'll be honest and admit that it doesn't quite gel with what has gone before, and so comes out of left field a bit. Not quite a complete deus ex machina, but perhaps a demigod from the machine, saving the day, but setting up the same climax I'd always planned. It changes the world I'm writing in a bit, too, introducing global networks, plans and conspiracies that threaten to spin off and create their own stories, but that's a good thing, right?

So, not quite at the end yet, but getting there, and now I know where I'm going, it's just a question of keeping on in that direction till I reach it. I suspect it won't take 20,000 words to get there from here, though, so now the question is what do I write to get myself up to the 100,000 target? I'm thinking that it's time for a couple of fresh and quick short stories, something I can put on Literotica for a bit of instant feedback. Suggestions and requests are welcome...

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