"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Monday 18 March 2013


That's my number - that is, the number of words I need to write by April 10th to meet my 100,000 words in 100 days challenge. The total as of this morning is 74,140, made up of 59,016 words on the work in progress (I'm getting drawn towards Bite as a title, but can't explain why) and 15,124 of short stories. To anyone who's been keeping track, you'll notice there's been a very big drop off in the writing rate in the last couple of weeks, but with 23 days to go to the finishing line, I'm feeling confident that I might just squeak over it. I need to average 1100 words a day, and as I was doing 1200 before my speed bump slowed me right down, that should be possible.

As it is, the short story is almost at the end (though I've been saying that for a while, haven't I?), and indeed might well be long past the point when it will end in the rewrite, but I'm using this opportunity to tell their full story, and then the most important bits will get into the second draft.

The work-in-progress is still around the point it was last time. I'm kind of stuck in a position with our heroines in peril and being threatened by the villain, but can't quite work out how to get them out of it. Again, I suspect that by the time I come to do the next version of it, these scenes won't be in it in quite the same way, to try and avoid that problem. Of course, the only way to solve it is to keep writing and see what comes up, so that's what I'm going to have to do!

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