"Sex without the mind is just friction."

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Buffer zones

The weekend's threatening to be busy for me, so I'm not sure if I'll get any writing done. Luckily, I've had another good day and produced over 1800 words, leaving the total at 13,805. This means that even if I don't write anything on Saturday or Sunday I'll still be over the 1000 words a day average by the time I come back to writing on Monday.

It's only a little thing, but it feels good to have that bit of a buffer zone, and know that I won't be having to catch up when I start again. That was one of the things that exacerbated my writer's block during NaNoWriMo - knowing that even if I did the 1667 words for that day, I was still behind and had to do more to get back on target.

One thing that may help me - and deal with the issue in the last post - is taking the tea break earlier. If I stop at around 600-700 words (two-thirds to three-quarters of the way to the target), then I know I have to do more, and that pushes me on well past it, as I don't relax. Good to know I can find ways around my procrastination when I need to!

Things are still happening nicely, and the structure's sorting itself out in my head as two connected stories in alternating chapters. It also helps me write - while I'm writing one, my subconscious is working out what comes next in the other, and having decided to make the viewpoint character in each a different person, it's a lot easier to contrast them.

See you Sunday!

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